Pro-Ject Clamp It - alternativa la puckurile clasice

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299 lei / Bucata 500 lei

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    • Clamp It este o alternativa la puckurile clasice.
    • Presiunea este aplicata prin strangere , nu prin masa puckului ( Clamp It cantareste doar 120 grame ) si este ajustabila.
    • Masa redusa este esentiala pentru a elimina rezonantele nedorite , mai ales in cazul unor pickupuri cu rulmentii fragili.
    • Produsul este fabricat din aluminiu si imbracat in piele.

    Alte informatii

    Link producator: click aici

    Fisa de produs: descarca fisierul

    Clamp it

    Record clamp

    Functional and easy to use sound improvement!

    Vinyl sound can be significantly improved, when unwanted resonances between record and platter can be reduced, while playback. Therefore surfaces of record and platter should connect tigthly. Standard record pucks, that use weight to achieve this, have two disadvantages:

    1) The weight can induce higher levels of rumble, when used with lower cost turntables which have less massive main bearings. This will affect the sound negatively.

    2) Instead of the desired closer contact between your vinyl and turntable is often achieved the opposite: Due to the high weight in the middle of the plate arching the record and the edge loses contact with the turntable.

    Clamp it is the real solution, an accessory with a clamp mechanism around the center spindle, that will not add weight, which would induce rumble. You can fine-adjust pressure according condition of your warped records. Fitting of Clamp it is easily done within seconds. This accessory will not only please your ears, its beautifully machined diamond-cut edges will also look extremely cool on any turntable!

    Technical Specifications

    Material: aluminium with leather coating

    Diameter: 78 mm

    Height: 33 mm

    Weight: 120 g

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